
The Five People You Meet in a Pandemic: How to Find a Point to Life

Yes we're all connected, but why do we feel so alone? Pandemic or not - what's the point to any of this? Here's my take on finding "a point" to life (yes, we’re going here) and why darkness can lead us toward it.

10 Inspiring Quotes for Hard Times

In the spirit of persevering through even the darkest of the dark, I bring you ten inspiring quotes to get us all through hard times.

(In case you need reminding, the Corona virus is no match for the human spirit.)

What Rehab Taught Me About Surviving a Pandemic

Watching life turn upside down has reminded me of another time my world crashed down around me: going to rehab for drug addiction.

Though I’m the first to admit that dumpster fire was entirely my own doing, I can’t help but see some clear parallels between surviving that burn and this one.

Dare I say it, but rehab prepared me for this. And in case it can aid you to, I’d like to share a few parallels I’ve observed.

Ditch the Poopy Polar Express: How Watching Your Thoughts can Help the Post-Holiday Blues

Here we are the day after Christmas (still smack dab in the middle of Hanukkah) and I don’t think I’m alone in having an “ugh” feeling.

Stop Waiting for an Epiphany: How To Make the Right Decisions in Life

I spent a lot of my life waiting to be certain.

I waited for the “burning bush” moment in so many areas: career, relationships, and big decisions in general.

Take for example, the decision to have a child.

This is arguably the BIGGEST decision that a person can make in life – definitely not one to take lightly, right?

Grief, Dogs, and Babies: What a Farting Dog Taught Me About Missing My Mom

My mom called me the night that she died.

She left me a voicemail and said she was looking forward to seeing me, and asked what time would I be over?

When I checked it from a coffee shop that night, I rolled my eyes: why did she think I was coming over?

Live the Life You Should Live: AKA Ditch the Crapball

I spent a lot of time trying to negotiate with my past.

“Maybe if I’d gone to college when everyone else did…”

“Maybe if I’d gone on more auditions in LA…”

“Maybe if I’d turned down the Vicodin Rx that kickstarted my addiction…”

Let's Talk About Death, Baby

We are ALL going to die.

You, me, Donald Trump, Beyonce, beloved Fluffy, that insta-influencer you follow, your neighbor who’s always jogging the neighborhood with her baby…even Justin Bieber. I KNOW. So what does that mean to you? Read on.