
What Is True for You? How to Live the Questions When Life is Uncertain

Today I met with my mentor and shared how sad I’ve been lately. The state of the world, my own creeping depression, and then the unexpected loss of a friend last week…they’ve culminated into a giant inner emptiness. What am I even doing here? What are any of us doing? What actually matters? When we don’t have answers, it’s time to live the questions. Here’s one way to do that.

What Rehab Taught Me About Surviving a Pandemic

Watching life turn upside down has reminded me of another time my world crashed down around me: going to rehab for drug addiction.

Though I’m the first to admit that dumpster fire was entirely my own doing, I can’t help but see some clear parallels between surviving that burn and this one.

Dare I say it, but rehab prepared me for this. And in case it can aid you to, I’d like to share a few parallels I’ve observed.

Friday the 13th: How to Navigate an (Actually) Scary World Amidst a Pandemic, Uncertainty, and our Future Ghosts

The presence of COVID-19 all over our world has made an average week feel like an apocalyptic movie – our grocery stores have been ransacked, our travel has been cancelled, and America’s dad Tom Hanks has even been diagnosed. How do we balance staying informed with feeling overwhelmed? And what do our “future” ghosts have to do with handling the current (and often scary) situation at hand?