
Caring for Our Inner Baby: How to Get Through Tough Times

We all come into this world helpless, unable to control much,  and so reliant on others to survive….but with an unconscious trust and desire for those needs to be met. We cried when we needed to, we ate, we reached out for touch, to be held. And when life has brought us to our knees, when difficulty persists and we have no idea what the future holds, a simple question can get us through:

What would a baby need right now?

Let's Talk About Death, Baby

We are ALL going to die.

You, me, Donald Trump, Beyonce, beloved Fluffy, that insta-influencer you follow, your neighbor who’s always jogging the neighborhood with her baby…even Justin Bieber. I KNOW. So what does that mean to you? Read on.

These are NOT the Best Years of Your Life

People looooove to tell you that “these are the best years of your life” when you’ve just had a baby.

They also tell you that it “goes by so fast, cherish every moment,” and yada yada insert well-meaning advice and nostalgia that basically makes me start to panic here.