
How to Make Any Decision When You're Overwhelmed, Anxious, and Confused

Whatever’s happening in your world, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious, weary of judgement, confused AF, and afraid of doing things wrong, you are sooooo not alone.

What Firing My Life Coach Taught Me About Trust

My work with this coach was challenging, transformative, and led to shifts in thinking I’d been building toward my entire life. But when she crossed a boundary I was forced to end our coaching relationship - and here’s what I learned.

Why Affirmations Don't Work but a Thought Ladder Does

Why was I so afraid of making mistakes?

It all comes down to the same reason any of us ever do anything, whether it was in high school or now: because of a story I believed.

A “story” is a piece of cultural conditioning, a construct we’ve bought into, or simply a thought that we’ve decided is true about ourselves and life.

Removing the Mask: How to Be Who You Are and Deal with People Leaving

I’ve never had as many people unsubscribe from my blog as I have in the past few months – we’re talking some big digits - it’s been wild.

Seeing that I’d lost subscribers was something that used to get me really down– it made me think: “Did I offend them? Overwhelm them?” Or the highest offense in my book…“Was I boring?”

Turns out, I was on the exact right track…