Thought Work

Why I Keep Talking About the Journals (Grief, Thought Work, & Ego versus Truth)

“She’s capitalizing on her mom’s death.”

“Why is she talking about these journals so much?”

“If these journals are so important, why is she even charging for them? Shouldn’t important things people need be free?”

I’ve heard everything you see above as I’ve marketed the Questions You’ll Wish You Asked journals in the last few weeks.

Why do I let someone talk to me like that, you ask?

What’s My Part in White Supremacy? Thought Work, Privilege, and How to Fail Forward

The idea that whiteness equals goodness is so insidious that most of us aren't even aware of the thought. But if I can admit that yes, even I have white supremacist thoughts, I can begin to change things. Denial, shame, or self-loathing doesn’t do anything. Self-honesty about my privilege and a commitment to action does.

Quarantine Anxiety? A Tip to Rewire Your Brain With Thoughts That Help You Feel Better

What is disturbing your peace right now? Is it worries about finances, health, your figure, your relationships? Whatever it is, this one tip can help rewire your brain to feel better now.

Why Affirmations Don't Work but a Thought Ladder Does

Why was I so afraid of making mistakes?

It all comes down to the same reason any of us ever do anything, whether it was in high school or now: because of a story I believed.

A “story” is a piece of cultural conditioning, a construct we’ve bought into, or simply a thought that we’ve decided is true about ourselves and life.