
18. Why the Road to a Great Life is Paved by Shitty First Steps

If you’re not willing to make bad art, you might not get to your great art. If you’re not willing to go on imperfect dates, you might not find that partner they were leading to.

Today’s episode is a guide to taking “shitty” steps that lead to the great life you desire.

14. How to Handle Being Triggered on Social Media and Life - (Bonus) Art of Social Media Exercise

Ever been scrolling social media (or going through life) and come across one of those people who just grind your gears? What if that person is actually a big red flashing light toward your most wildly beautiful life? This week I’ll be talking about someone who disturbs my OWN peace in order to show you how she has also helped me to heal.

13. Stop Unnecessary Suffering by Learning the Difference Between Clean and Dirty Pain

“Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional,” or so the trusty old saying goes. But what about the suffering that we bring on ourselves? How do we let go of pain without purpose that stands between us and the life we want to live? Today's podcast focuses on understanding the difference between clean and dirty pain - and how to stop unnecessary suffering.

9. Announcement! Calling All Wild, Free, Untamed, and (Possibly) Stuck Purpose Seekers

The ultimate goal of the podcast was to help you get to the end of your life and KNOW that you lived it the way you wanted to – that you played big, took risks, spread your wings, and as Henry David Thoreau put it, “sucked all the marrow” out of life.

But lately I’ve realized that something was missing – a foundation that anyone needs to live with purpose - a feeling of freedom. I am changing that today - here’s how I’m gonna be helping you even more. Get excited!

6. Someday We'll All Be Ghosts: Paul Dale Roberts, Paranormal Investigator & Career Shape Shifter

What do ghosts, hauntings, and Friday the 13th have to do with figuring out what to do with your life?

Way more than I realized at the start of this interview.