9. Announcement! Calling All Wild, Free, Untamed, and (Possibly) Stuck Purpose Seekers


(Skip the love fest, go straight to the episode on Soundcloud here)

Hey loves,

Things are changing!

The podcast is going through a major transition and I can’t wait to tell you about it! (This might also be known as podcast puberty – hopefully minus the zits.)

This show started under the premise of helping you (my dear listener) answer the question “what should I do with my life?” But even with that as the umbrella, at the end of the day my goal was to help you live with more purpose.

The ultimate goal was to help you get to the end of your life and KNOW that you lived it the way you wanted to – that you played big, took risks, spread your wings, and as Henry David Thoreau put it, “sucked all the marrow” out of life.

But lately I’ve realized that something was missing – a foundation that anyone needs to live with purpose - a feeling of freedom.

The tools to becoming unencumbered by the limiting beliefs that are keeping you small, telling you what you’re allowed (and not allowed) and basically informing every decision you make (that equate to your life.)

In order for you to live your biggest and juiciest life, you need to be free from the unseen cage.

And you guessed it, that’s TOTALLY what we’re doing here now – stay tuned.


Calling all wild and free spirits:

If you’ve been drawn to follow your fire, I KNOW that you have a soul call to tap into a bigger purpose, unleash your confidence, and walk in truth. 


You long to create a life that is TRULY lived, wild, untamed, yet also fulfilling, balanced, and fun. 


I know that you’ve been brought here on purpose and that the longing inside of your soul is no accident - it’s a potential. And let’s take back that word potential, shall we? It’s not a weight - it’s a possibility. 


Right here and now, rather than being crushed by potential and what you “should” have been, why not unearth who you really are? Why not find your superpowers, your genius, your gifts, your weirdness, your creativity, your inner child, fly that freak flag, find your tribe, and your truth??


Here, we’re gonna unlearn societal beliefs and expectations that are keeping you stuck, expose the lies that you’ve been told that are really just keeping you caged, and rewire your mind and belief systems to create a life filled with meaning, purpose, and that feeling of wholeness that you’ve always ached for.


It’s time to stop living two lives: the one you actually have and the one you think you SHOULD have had. Enough! Right here and now, you are rising up and living THIS life. I will hand you the keys to unlock the truth, purpose, potential, and meaning inside your soul and life’s calling.


But it starts with you and it starts here and it starts now. 


If you’re ready to walk with me in a spiritual, mental, and physical awakening, rise up in all of your power and actually change in your life, if you are ready to follow your fire, this is the place and the tribe for you.


I’m so happy you’re here.

Let’s do this.

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