Get Off the Wrong Life Path: How to Make a Change, Live with Purpose, and Find Your Truth


Hey lovies.

Ever found yourself on the wrong path?

Let’s be real, I KNOW you have – we all have – but let’s talk about a moment in your past when you KNEW you were walking the wrong way (in a job, relationship, creative endeavor, etc) but you just kept going because you’d already put so much work in.

“So what if I hate being an attorney, law school was f**ing expensive and I better make it worth it” or “I hate the way he litters and doesn’t listen when I talk, but we’ve been together so long I can’t just break things off.”

You told yourself it was commitment (“I’m just working hard/staying the path/not giving up”) but you felt tired all the time, didn’t like yourself, and began resenting everything and everybody in this particular life arena.

And then eventually, things exploded anyway.

The relationship went bust, you got laid off, or you gave up on that endeavor because you had nothing left and no excitement. You ended up changing course ANYWAY. And even though the “cosmic boot” off a cliff never feels great digging into any of our butts, it was kinda relieving.

Once you dusted yourself off and forgave yourself for staying too long…you felt a bit freer and more truthful, right?


This is a lesson that many must learn over and over again – that we should listen to the whisper within and not tune her out with Netflix, wine, or a secret fling with the checker at Safeway.  (??)

So zooming into the now, I am daring you to ask yourself today – what am I sticking with only to make all the struggle worth it?

What feels off in my life but fills me with fear when I think about changing it?

What is no longer serving me – even if I’ve spent a long time walking toward it?

And before you close this email and ignore that tightness in your chest, I urge you to just crack open a notebook, ask yourself these questions, and see what truth comes out.

You don’t even have to commit to changing anything right now.  Just give yourself permission to ask these questions, invite your future (and super wise) self to sit with you as you ponder them, and let them percolate your consciousness the next few days.

And if you need some inspiration around changing something you’ve worked hard toward, I give you my big scary step of the week: completely over-hauling my podcast.

Something has felt off but I was hesitant to change things because I’d worked so hard on my original format (helping you answer the question “what should I do with my life?” through interviews.)

Though I’m still gonna be sharing some incredible journeys with you, I realized that you need something else before you can even think about what to do with your life…


To be uncaged.

To remember your wild, untamed, super quirky and gorgeous spirit from before society told you what to desire, how to look, and what success was.

We’re gonna be unlearning a bunch of really terrible societal lies and then opening up to what exists when we’re not weighted down by that stuff.

I’m gonna walk you through all of the ways that I have removed the bars from around my own life – how even though I TOTALLY still get caught up in “I’m not enough/I’m too much/this isn’t possible for me/blah blah blah” I do NOT live there anymore – which means my life is totally different. I’m gonna tell you how to do this too.

Because did you know that literally *anything* is possible once you shed all that completely toxic “I’m-not-good-enough/I’m-confused/I-need-to-be-liked” BS? Do you know what utter and complete MAGIC lies within you, underneath all that? Do you believe that you can access it right here, right now, and today?


Start by listening to the very first episode of the Follow Your Fire podcast 2.0 edition here. Get excited with me – we’re doing the damn thing, you guys. Enough staying on a path that doesn’t work simply because you feel like you spent too long walking down it. LEAVE WITH ME. As Toni Morrison said, “you wanna fly, you gotta give up the shit that weighs you down.”

I’m right here to guide you, cheer for you, and free you to be the wildest, weirdest and most true and beautiful version of YOU.

It’s a path I am completely sure I want to be on. Join me?



Stop waiting.

THIS is your life.

You got this.

Love you.