Do It Anyway

I’m Hosting a Virtual Women’s Circle, but What if Nobody Comes? How to Be Brave Anyway

I’m hosting a virtual women’s circle this weekend and I’m afraid that nobody will come. I am an extremely thin skinned, overthinking, highly sensitive person who (even after a decade sober and countless forms of healing) is STILL driven by a thousand forms of fear. But wait, am I? Here’s how I manage to live a big, courageous, juicy life while still having a loud inner committee (and you can too.)

Lessons From Regret: Do It Anyway (A Poem)

In the months before my mom died she fell in love with a poem. This poem was called “Do It Anyway.” She asked if I would find a way to paint it up on her bedroom wall, and I told her that I would. I thought it sounded nice and totally planned on it, but of course life was busy…and I didn’t get to it. This was one of the many things that haunted me after her death. Here’s how I moved past this regret and remind myself to “do it anyway.”