
Trust the Next Step: How Each Part of Our Path is Connected

When I started writing online five years ago, I talked a lot about life purpose and finding the right career. My focus as a coach was helping people to find work that lit them up, and then helping them be brave enough to think they deserved to do it. But I’ve changed a lot in these past five years. I don’t really talk about these things anymore because I am no longer sure how I feel about them. I have been busy unpacking how capitalism, patriarchy, and the conditioning of hustle culture infiltrated how I thought about work, meaning, and “life purpose.” It’s a lot of unlearning. It’s been humbling. But there’s one thing that’s clear as I look in the rearview mirror…

Why the Road to a Great Life is Paved by Shitty First Steps

People often say that they want great things in their life. But if you’re not willing to be bad at something, take imperfect steps, and patch together a “good enough” idea while your magnum opus percolates with experience, you might not ever get your greatness out into the world. Here’s a guide to taking “shitty” steps that lead to the greatness you desire.