Stop Asking Other People For Directions: How to Find Your Truth and Life Path


“Am I making a mistake?”

 “Is it wrong that I want to…”

“What would you do if YOU were me?”

It’s great to chat with people about your dreams and decisions.

It’s not great, however, to defer to their truth instead of identifying your own. 

The validation (or confusion) you feel after asking someone else’s advice can only dance around a truth already within you. (And y’all, think about that word validating - its confirming something you ALREADY believe. So get strong in that belief BEFORE asking someone else to approve of it.)

And when you’re totally changing (AKA up-leveling) in life, you’re often surrounded by people who, though they love you and want you to be happy, do not by any means know what your path should look like.

They also likely want to protect you, and though protection has a place, its not how we dismantle the lives we don’t want and create the ones that we do.

Being protected (or protecting ourselves) only keeps us stuck in the same old same old.

 Do you want the same old same old? Or do you wanna get big, brave, truthful, expansive, successful, juicy, and raw?

Your journey doesn’t look like anybody else’s, so stop asking other people for directions to places they’ve never been.


You are the captain of your ship.

 Your job, your most important and sacred and ONLY job, is to discover YOUR truth – and then protect that truth with wild and fierce abandon.

Protect THAT, my loves.



 PS: Have you read Glennon Doyle’s newest book “Untamed” yet? I swear I could’ve highlighted the whole thing. A story of unlearning all that doesn’t serve us and remembering (or creating) that which does. Read it - and tell me about it if you do!