The Motherless New Mother’s Pregnancy Journal

Prompts, Practices, and Affirmations to Guide the Mom Who Is Missing Her Own

Pregnancy is a deeply transformative time, and this is especially true for the new mom who is missing her own.

The Motherless New Mother’s Pregnancy Journal contains the best of a thoughtful pregnancy log while considering the unique journey of a motherless daughter.


My mom died before i had kids

When I later got pregnant myself, I felt a new grief for her emerge…along with a new connection.

I began wondering what her transition to motherhood had been like. Had she felt these wild emotions, the excitement and longing, the fear and uncertainty and mashup of it all?

It felt like suddenly I was inside a house she’d lived in too; one I thought I knew well, but now realized I’d only seen from the street. Running my hands over my pregnant belly was like running them along the banister of that house…

What would she have told me to hold on to?

I began to journal about this Experience

As pregnancy awakened a deep connection to my mom, my ancestors, and my own instincts, I was keeping a traditional pregnancy journal. Though it was a great place to log things like my cravings and symptoms, I longed for a place to unpack the bigger transformation happening— a way to process my grief, but also honor the new connection I was feeling to life, my new baby, my mom, and myself.

Prompts and practices began to emerge, as well as rituals that helped me during this time. The Motherless New Mother’s Pregnancy Journal is the result of this pregnancy writing.

The birth of the motherless mother journal

The journal has all the basics of a traditional pregnancy journal (such as ways to track and log your experience) but with the motherless daughter in mind.

Within it you’ll find space to

  • answer guided prompts organized by trimester

  • write notes to your growing baby and messages to mom

  • practice pregnancy and birth affirmations

  • curate practices and rituals to ground and anchor

While it has space to process grief, it’s not a journal about grief. It’s a space to deepen the connections that bind you to your mother and children, your higher self and your inner wisdom.

Let these pages calm you mentally, nurture you spiritually, and anchor you at a time that can feel exciting yet uncertain. The Motherless Mother’s Pregnancy Journal is a journal about love, and it’s a balm for the new mom who has been touched by grief.